Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Customer Service

Who do I call about an Invoicing Error or a Credit Question?
Please call your Credit Representative if you suspect an invoicing or billing error, or if you have any Credit-related questions.

You can find your Credit Representative's contact information on your Account Overview in the section labeled "Contacts."

Contact Info Section of the Account Overview page
When will my order Ship?

When you place an order online, it is immediately printed in our warehouse. Shipping times vary by location.

You can check shipment status on the Recent Orders page by selecting an order (do this by clicking an order number in the leftmost column). Selecting an order will open the Order Details page. Find the Shipment Information section on the right of the page. There will be a listing of each shipment on the order, with the corresponding Ship Date and Status for each shipment.

Shipment Status on Order Details page in Recent Orders

Click a shipment number to view the included items and additional information, like the tracking number (if applicable).

How do I open a credit account with Elliott Electric Supply?
Download, complete and fax the credit application to the Credit Department.
Why are the "Account," "Quotes," & "Custom Lists" menus not fully available?

When you are not logged in these features are not available. For full access to these areas of our website, please login.

If you haven't registered for an Elliott Online Account, you can Register Now, or browse these features using our Demo Login by clicking the Login for Demo link found at the top-right of any page (in the site navigation header).

Demonstration Login Link, Navigation Header
Can I set up an Elliott Electric Account to have access online?
Certainly! Click the Register link located at the top-right of any page, directly above the 'Login for Demo' link (see image above).
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Online Products / Catalog

Do I have to select a Location before I search the Products section?

No. You no longer have to specify your location before searching for products. The site's search tool will automatically choose the best location for you if you are not logged in. However, we do recommend that you login before searching, for several reasons.

In addition to displaying your special pricing and synchronizing your Custom Part Numbers and Lists with our Products section, logging in will ensure that you automatically see real-time inventory numbers for your primary Elliott store. This provides you the highest level of convenience, and you can always view stock levels from a different store location by using the Change Store option from any search results page.

Elliott Electric Supply has over 100 locations with inventory, and all stock levels shown on the website are in real-time. For this reason, it's highly useful to have an online Elliott Account, even for customers who only make cash transactions, so that your primary store location used by our Products section is as close to you as possible—giving you the most efficient delivery or pick-up available.

How do I view products/inventory from a different store location?

From any search results page in the Products section, click the "Change Store" link above the search results on the right.

FAQ-Products: How to Change Store Locations

The "Change Store" link will open a search page for finding a store. By default, all Elliott regional hubs will be shown. You may select one of the regional hubs, or use the search bar in the middle of the page to find any Elliott store location.

Products: Change Store

Can I order items from more than one Location?

Yes. You may change locations at anytime while browsing products, in order to check item availability at different stores or regional hubs (see How to Change Stores above).

Once you have added items to your Cart, click View Cart at the top-right of any page. The items in your Shopping Cart will be arranged according to which Elliott location(s) will be shipping them.

How current are the "Stock" levels?

All stock levels listed on our website are live. This means you see exactly what's available in our warehouses and regional hubs in real-time.

When you place an item into your Cart, you may notice that the 'stock available' number doesn't decrease. This is because stock quantities are only updated after the order has been placed and the purchase completed.

What is "Surplus Inventory?"
This is overstock inventory that is being sold at a discount.
What are "Similar Items?"
Similar Items are potential substitutes for the item you are currently viewing. They may be from the same or different manufacturers.
What are "Cross Referenced Items?"
If we do not offer the brand you're looking for, our "Cross-Referenced" items offer equivalent products from different brands.
What are "Accessories?"
Accessories are products that are typically purchased along with the item you are currently viewing.
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Online Orders

Where can I enter a note to my Salesperson about my order?
You are given an opportunity to enter any special notes, comments, or instructions for your order during checkout.
How will I know that my order was received at the store I selected?

After you place an order, you will receive ONE email stating the order has been received by our system.

After this initial email, if you have orders from multiple locations, then you will receive status emails from each location that will be shipping your items.

How can I see the status of my order?

Login and open the Recent Orders page (Account Menu > Purchase > Recent Orders). Search for your order or select it from the list by clicking the order number.

Selecting an order will open the Order Details page. Find the Shipment Information section on the right. There will be a listing of each shipment on the order, with the corresponding Ship Date and Status for each shipment. Click a shipment number to view the included items and additional information, like the tracking number (if applicable). Each possible shipping status is discussed below.

Shipment Status on Order Details page in Recent Orders
More Help: Recent Orders
Order Status: What does Back Order, Processing, and Shipped mean?
  • Back Order - The item is on back order. You may cancel the order or wait for the manufacturer's next shipment.
  • Processing - The item is scheduled to be picked from inventory and you may cancel it at any time.
  • Shipped - The item has shipped. A tracking number may be available, depending on the method of shipping.

How can I see my Order Status?

Can I reorder a previous order?

Yes. Login and go to the Recent Orders page (Account Menu > Purchase > Recent Orders). Search for your order or select it from the Recent Orders list by clicking the order number.

Once you have found and selected the order, the Order Details page will load.

On the Order Details page, click the Copy Order button at the upper-right. Your items will be added to your Cart and you may Checkout when you are ready.

Add the Items from a past order to you shopping cart by Copying the Order
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Account General / Settings


Don't see what you're looking for?  Try the Account Settings Help Page.

Where can I see an overview of my account?

Login and select Account > Overview, or simply click the word Account on the blue navigation menu at the top of any page.

How to get to the Account  Overview Page

This will take you to the main Account Overview screen, which provides an overview of your account. On it, you will find comprehensive information for your main account, in addition to details on each Sub-Account.

Read more about the Account Overview
Where can I see an overview of individual Sub-Accounts?

On the main Account Overview screen you will a Sub-Account summary at the lower-right of the page. Use the drop-down menu provided to select the Sub-Account you would like to use.

How to change the Sub-Account Summary on the Account Overview

Read more about the Account Overview

Where do I change my subscription settings so I can start receiving specials and catalogs?

All of your Elliott Subscriptions can be managed from your Account Settings page.

To get to your Account Settings, login and select Account > Settings from the main site menu.

Select Update Subscriptions on the Settings page. You can choose to receive the Elliott Electric Supply Catalog, delivered twice per year, as well as the monthly Electric Times by mail and/or email. Make your selection and provide any necessary addresses or contact info.

Read more about your Account Settings
Where do I set up new Sub-Accounts?
Login > Account > Purchase > Create New Sub-Account

More Help: Creating a New Sub-Account
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Account: Purchases

Don't see what you're looking for?  Try the Account Purchasing Help Page.

I want to review my past purchases. Where do I view my Purchasing History?

Login and go to Account > Purchase > Purchasing History

You will see various fields that you can modify to customize the report. Select one or all of your Sub-Accounts, specify a date range, and pick the location where the purchases were made (you may choose "All"). The remaining fields are optional but can be used to narrow your results.

More Help: Purchase History
I placed an order recently. How can I check the order status?

Login and open the Recent Orders page (Account Menu > Purchase > Recent Orders). Search for your order or select it from the list by clicking the order number.

Selecting an order will open the Order Details page. Find the Shipment Information section on the right. There will be a listing of each shipment on the order, with the corresponding Ship Date and Status for each shipment. Each possible status is discussed above, in the "Online Orders" FAQ section.

Shipment Status on Order Details page in Recent Orders
More Help: Recent Orders
Does Elliott Electric Supply support EDI? How do I get started?

Yes. We are happy to offer full EDI support. You can set up EDI for your invoices by doing the following:

Login and go to Account > Settings> Update Invoice Preferences

At that bottom of the page, in the Invoice Delivery Methods section, there is a checkbox option for EDI. Click the checkbox to enable it and enter the required information.

How to Receive Invoices by EDI

For additional EDI support, contact our Help Desk at 1-888-569-7181.

More Help: Invoice Preferences
Where do I set up new Sub-Accounts?

Login > Account > Purchase > Create New Sub-Account

More Help: Creating a New Sub-Account

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