Account Help - Purchasing

  • Recent Orders

  • The Recent Orders page shows a listing of your most recent orders, which can be sorted by Order Number, Amount, Date Entered, or PO/Job Name. You may use the drop-down box at the top to show only recent orders for individual Sub-Accounts.
  • To view ALL recent orders click the "List All" link at the bottom of the list, and the table will be filled with all recent orders. With all orders displayed, you may use the drop-down menu that appears at the top to control how many rows per page are shown.
  • Image of Recent Orders List
  • Search your recent orders using the 'Search Orders' tool on the right. Choose a ‘search by’ method—Order Number, Elliott Catalog Number, PO / Job Name, or Custom Part Number—and enter your text and click Search.
  • Each Search Results page has the same search option at the top so there’s no need to go back for additional searches.
  • Recent Orders > Order Details

  • When you click an order number in the Recent Orders list you will see the Order Details screen.
  • In addition to seeing all of the items and respective QTY's on your selected order (in the "Items Ordered" tab), you can view any items on order from the manufacturer (in the "Open Items" tab) as well as documents attached to the order (in the "Attached Documents" tab), which may be Purchase Orders, Packaging Slips, or anything you like.
  • Attaching Documents: You can attach any documents or scanned images to the order from this page (using the "Attach Documents" button). Attachments appear in the "Attached Documents" tab at the bottom.
  • You can also copy a recent order and use it as a template for placing a new order, adjusting the QTY's and adding items as needed. To do this, simply click the green "Copy Order" button at the top-right. Also, using the buttons at the top-right, you can print or email the selected order's full details.
  • Order Details > Shipment Status & Info
  • Also on the Order Details page, you'll find the "Shipment Information" summary, which provides the current status, item QTY's, and dollar amounts for each shipment. You can drill-down into every shipment associated with the order. As certain orders will have multiple shipments, our system lets you see each shipment's status and (by clicking the Shipment Number) the tracking number (if applicable) as well as the items included on the selected shipment. All of this information is also available for non-shipped orders (like pick-ups, etc.), giving you the place, time, and method by which your materials left our facilities.
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  • Purchase Order Recap

  • The Purchase Order Recap report lets you view every detail of an ongoing or completed purchase order on your account. This includes the ability to see every item (with part descriptions) on a PO, even in rare cases when a PO is broken into multiple orders. You can also see which items are still on order, if any. By drilling down into the order details you can view the shipment status for every item.
  • Above: See the "Recap Shortcuts" on the left? These are very helpful for finding relevant PO's quickly!
  • With the "Custom Search" box, shown above, you can search all of your purchase orders (by name or number). Or, you can use the shortcut buttons to jump to a list of open orders, orders in progress, or all recent orders.
  • The settings below the search box are optional. You can choose a specific sub-account (job) if you like, or if you want to include quotes and/or completed orders in your search, simply click the appropriate checkbox at the bottom of the search area.
  • The above is an example of using the "Open Orders" shortcut from the first step. The other shortcuts will look much like this. Simply click a PO number from the list to view it in detail. This list can be emailed or downloaded as a spreadsheet.
  • On the other hand, if you directly enter a PO number or name, you will skip the above step and proceed directly to the PO details screen, shown below.
  • When viewing a single purchase order, you will see the data in complete detail. You can further drill-down by clicking on the Order Number and even individual part numbers. On this screen, you also have options to email and download the data shown.
  • The active date range for the selected purchase order will appear in the upper right corner. If desired, check the box to "Show Item Descriptions," and an item description will appear below each part number on the order.
  • This screen shows the current (real-time) status for each item on the order, in addition to complete accounting data for your convenience.
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  • Purchasing History

  • First Page of Purchasing History Pages
  • The Purchasing History / Activity tool generates reports of purchasing activity for the date range you specify. Choose the desired Sub-Account (or "All"), the date range, the Elliott store location (you may choose "All"), the preferred number of items per page, the visibility of part descriptions, and, optionally, enter a specific item number and/or PO/Job Name to narrow the report. Click 'Display Report' to see the results.
  • Results Page of Purchasing History Report
  • The resulting list can be sorted by each column, as well as emailed or printed. You may click individual item numbers or invoice numbers in the list to view their details. Click the "New Search" button in the upper right corner to change your parameters and generate the report again.
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  • Create New Sub-Account

  • Sub-Account Creation
  • The Create New Sub-Account process involves four steps that allow you to setup a new Sub-Account.
  • On the first page, you will enter the basic Job information. Not all of the fields are required, only the ones indicated by red double-asterisks**.
  • The second step of the process lets you specify the Job’s General Contractor and Property Owner. You can choose from drop-down lists of contractors/owners used in the past, or you may enter new ones by clicking the 'Create New' link.
  • On the third screen you will set the new Sub-Account’s Billing Options. By default, you will receive one invoice copy by mail, but you may request more. If you would like to receive Invoices by Fax and/or Email, enter the appropriate fax/email information.
  • The final page will display a summary of all the information you have entered so that you can verify its accuracy. There is also a text box at the bottom for entering an optional message for your credit representative. When you are done, click the 'Submit New Sub-Account' button and the creation process will be complete and pending approval from your Elliott representative.

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