Save & Organize Your Favorite Materials in One Place

Customized Product Lists & Featured Item Lists

Tailor your selection of products based on factors such as frequently ordered items, unique specifications, industry requirements, or project demands by creating customized lists for everything you need. With a custom item list, you can purchase all the products you need with one click.

Creating custom lists helps both big and small businesses by streamlining the ordering process, saving time on frequent reorders, and ensuring essential products are organized and readily available for upcoming or special orders. This efficiency supports inventory management, reduces the risk of missing critical items, and simplifies order planning for businesses of any size.

Creating Custom Lists

Types of Custom Lists

How to Organize Your Customized Lists

Create and manage customized lists for separate sub-accounts

To streamline your operations, you can create and manage customized lists for separate sub-accounts. This allows you to personalize your product selection based on specific needs, projects, or job roles. Predefined lists reduce the chances of ordering incorrect items and can help you track and monitor spending more effectively.

All Sub-Accounts

This section of Custom Lists shows all lists created on your account, regardless of the Sub-Account. They may be used for any Sub-Account; just enter your desired Sub-Account information when converting the list into an order.

Current Sub-Account

This listing shows Custom Lists created specifically by your currently selected Sub-Account. These lists provide a seamless transition when converting to orders or quotes.

Featured Lists

These item lists are provided by Elliott Electric Supply. For your convenience, they are pre-loaded with default sets of products typically needed for common job types. In essence, they are examples of the kind of Custom Lists you can create.

Benefits of Custom Lists

Order Faster with Custom Lists

Access items without searching
Save Time

Quickly access frequently ordered or project-specific items without searching through extensive catalogs.

Keeps products grouped
Improves Organization

Keeps products grouped by project, client, or usage, making reordering straightforward and efficient.

Correct items are ordered
Reduces Errors

Ensures the correct items are ordered by providing a pre-selected, tailored list.

Teams create and share lists
Enhances Collaboration

Allows teams to create and share lists, ensuring clarity and consistency in orders.

Repeat orders for regular supplies
Simplifies Reordering

Makes it easy to repeat orders for regular supplies or replenish stock with minimal effort.

Featured Lists

Save Time by Starting with Our Pre‑Made Lists

Place an order or request a quote using pre-made lists of common products. Freely customize each list to your needs by copying featured parts into your custom lists or create a new custom list with our featured parts. After the list is saved, you can add more items, alter quantities, or send it to your shopping cart.

Use pre-made lists of common products

Custom Parts Lists FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Custom Lists can only be accessed if you are logged in to our website. When logged in, you are able to create and modify your lists, copy them, and create orders with them.


Hover your mouse over QUICK BUY, located in the top menu, and an option menu will drop down. Click on to visit Your Custom Lists the main Custom Lists page.


Click QUICK BUY, located in the top menu, and go to the Quick Buy options page. Click on Custom Lists to visit the main Custom Lists page.

Find your custom lists

OPTION 1: Custom Lists Page

Log in and click the QUICK BUY menu option. Find and click on Custom Lists to go to your main Custom Lists page.

On your main Custom Lists page, find and click Create New List.

Quick Buy custom list

Create a new List Name and assign it to a sub-account before clicking Save. Next, choose how you want to Add Items to your new List: while shopping for items, copy from an existing list, or upload a spreadsheet. Or, you can continue without adding items.

Create new custom list

OPTION 2: Add Product

Search for a product you want and click the Add dropdown button. Select To Custom List to open the popup window and then, find and click the New List tab. After setting the item quantity, name your new custom list and choose which sub-account to save it in.

Your new custom list can be found on your Custom List page.

Create new custom list

OPTION 3: Save Checkout

Search for the products you want and add them to your shopping cart. Once you have the items and quantities you want, click More to open the dropdown. Select Save as Custom List. On the popup window, click the New List tab and after you name your, click the Create New List button.

Your new custom list can be found on your Custom List page.

Create new custom list

While creating a new Custom List, you have the option to Add Items to your new List now or Continue without adding Items. There are three different methods to add items to your new list:

  1. Select items from our Catalog
  2. Copy items from an Existing List
  3. Upload items from a File

If you want to continue without adding items at the time, you can fill your shopping cart with products and save the cart order as a custom list.

Create list with items in your Shopping Cart

You can upload spreadsheets to create a new Custom List or to add items to existing lists.


To create a new Custom List with a spreadsheet, start by creating a new custom list. After naming your new list and assigning it to one or all sub-accounts, click Save.

On the next page, you can view your new List Details and choose how to Add items to your new list. Find the option "3. Upload Items from a File" and click File to go to the Upload a Spreadsheet in CVS Format page. Make sure your file details match our requirements and click Choose File to upload your CSV file.

Create new list with a spreadsheet


To add items to an existing Custom List with a spreadsheet, go to your Custom Lists page and click on whichever list you want to update.

Above the table of listed items, find and click Modify this list to start editing it. Scroll down to find Add Items to your List and choose "3. Upload Items from a File". On the Upload a Spreadsheet in CVS Format page, make sure your file details match our requirements then, click Choose File to upload your CSV file.

Add items with a spreadsheet

On the Custom Lists page, click on the name of the list you want to edit to open its details page.

Click Modify this list at the top-right.

On the Modify Custom List page, you have several options to edit your list:

  • Delete the entire custom list
  • Rename the Custom List
  • Move the custom list to another sub-account
  • Delete individual items from the list
  • Change item quantity
  • Arrange the order of items
  • Add more items to the list
Base item list modify list

On the Custom Lists page, click on the name of the list you want to edit to open its details page.

You can adjust each item's unit count and the List Quantity option allows you to order multiple copies of the list at once. Click Add to Cart to send all the listed items to your shopping cart.

Use custom list to place an order

Log in and go to the main Custom Lists page.

Click the Copy Existing List link at the top-right and then, select whichever list you want to copy.

How to copy an existing custom list

On that list's detail page, choose which items you would like to copy from the selected list. Use the checkbox in the header at the top if you want to select all of the items at once. Next, click Copy Selected Items.

You will have the choice to create a new list using the selected items or to copy the items to an existing list.

Copy custom list items

These item lists, provided by us for your convenience, are pre-loaded with default sets of products typically needed for common job types.

Featured Lists are meant to serve as a starting point for your custom lists, providing some of the more common sets of items ordered from our website. When logged in, you can copy a Featured List and then customize it however you like.

Examples of Featured Lists:

  • Ceiling Boxes
  • Electrical Fittings and Connectors
  • Fuses
  • Generators
  • Lighting Poles
  • Outlets
  • Pipe and Wire
  • Smart Devices
  • USB Outlets

User custom shopping lists

On the main Custom Lists page, click the Featured Lists tab in the top-right to view your options. Click on whichever list you want to edit and then, select either Customize list or Modify this list to begin editing.

User custom shopping lists

While in editing mode, scroll all the way to the bottom to find your options for adding new items to the featured list.

Copy featured list

Log in and go to your Custom Lists page.

Select the list you want to delete and on the list's details page, click Modify this List at the top-right of the page.

Click Delete this List and a pop-up will appear at the top of the page. Confirm you want to delete the list or, press Cancel to keep it.

Note: You can delete a list that has no items on it

How to delete a custom list

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