Download Our Logo, Company Signature, & Branding Guide

These branding guidelines detail proper use of the elements that form Elliott Electric Supply's brand identity. This includes visual elements such as the logo, color palette, and typography, and also covers the proper channels for acquiring merchandise, vehicle wraps, photography and more. All employees are responsible for upholding the company's image by utilizing the Elliott Electric Supply name and brand correctly. If you have any questions or concerns on the use of this document or the guidelines within it, please contact

Download Our Branding Guidelines (PDF)

Color Palette

If you need to reproduce the Elliott Electric Supply logo in color, it should always be printed in the appropriate reflex blue color, black, and white. Do not reverse the color palettes for any reason. The logo may be printed in one color where one color printing is required but should be limited to black, reflex blue, or gray regardless of the background. The Company Signature can be produced in either black, white, reflex blue or to match the color of the single color logo when needed.

It is important that these colors are applied consistently and correctly to build brand awareness and recognition.

Reflex Blue
CMYK: C100 M73 Y0 K2
RGB: R0 G84 B164
HEX: #0054A4
CMYK: C0 M0 Y0 K100
RGB: R0 G0 B0
HEX: #000000
CMYK: C0 M0 Y0 K0
RGB: R255 G255 B255

To download the Elliott Electric Supply logo or signature text as a graphic file, simply locate the version you need and click on the appropriate link below (right-click and 'Save Link As...'). Please note that by downloading the logo, you are also agreeing to the Terms of Use described below.

How to choose the proper file type:

PNG files should only be used for web, screen, and other electronic uses (RGB color). Do NOT print or enlarge.
EPS files are vector graphics appropriate for use in print and can be enlarged (CMYK color).
Official Logo
Logo Download for Web Use Download for Print Use
Standard Color .PNG .EPS
Black Only .PNG .EPS
Blue Only .PNG .EPS
White Only .PNG .EPS
Official Signature / Text
Signature Download for Web Download for Print
Various Layouts & Colors .ZIP file (24 PNG files) .ZIP file (24 EPS files)
Download Contents: Each of the .ZIP files above contains the "Elliott Electric Supply" official signature text in black, white, and Reflex Blue. There are 8 different text layouts for each color, including standard horizontal text as well as stacked text that is centered, left-aligned, and right-aligned.
Web links are for electronic use only. Do NOT print or enlarge.
Layout Black Text White Text
Horizontal (single line) .PNG .PNG
Stacked and Centered .PNG .PNG

Terms of Use

By downloading the Elliott Electric Supply logo or company signature, you thereby agree to use the logo/signature in accordance with the terms outlined in our branding guidelines. You further agree that any use of the company’s logo/signature in a manner inconsistent with the foregoing will cause the Company irreparable damage, and that the Company shall have the right to seek equitable and injunctive relief for any such misuse and to such damages as or occasioned by any such misuse. The use of the Company’s logo/signature is limited and you will immediately comply with any request by the Company to discontinue use of the logo/signature.