Metals and Alloys and Their Properties

Use the chart below to find the chemical element symbol, specific gravity, melting point, IACS rating, or density of various metals and alloys.

Metal/Alloy Symbol Specific Gravity Melting Point: °C Melting Point: °F IACS Rating Density (lb/in3)
Aluminum Al 2.71 660 1,220 64.90 0.0978
Antimony Sb 6.62 630 1,167 4.42 0.2390
Arsenic As 5.73 817 1,502 4.90 0.2070
Beryllium Be 1.83 1,280 2,336 9.32 0.0660
Bismuth Bi 9.80 271 520 1.50 0.3540
Brass (70‑30) -- 8.51 900 1,652 28 0.3070
Bronze (5% Sn) -- 8.87 1,000 1,382 18 0.3200
Cadmium Cd 8.65 321 610 22.70 0.3120
Calcium Ca 1.55 850 1,562 50.10 0.0560
Cobalt Co 8.90 1,495 2,723 17.80 0.3210
Copper Cu 8.95 1,085 1,984 100 0.3240
Copper‑Rolled -- 8.89 1,083 1,981 100 0.3210
Copper‑Tubing -- 8.89 1,083 1,981 100 0.3210
Gold Au 19.30 1,063 1,945 71.20 0.6970
Graphite -- 2.25 3,500 6,332 0.22 0.0812
Indium In 7.30 156 311 20.60 0.2640
Iridium Ir 22.40 2,450 4,442 32.50 0.8090
Iron Fe 7.20 1,200-1,400 2,192-2,552 17.60 0.2600
Iron‑Malleable -- 7.20 1,500-1,600 2,732-2,912 10 0.2600
Iron‑Wrought -- 7.70 1,500-1,600 2,732-2,912 10 0.2780
Lead Pb 11.40 327 621 8.35 0.4120
Magnesium Mg 1.74 651 1,204 38.70 0.0628
Manganese Mn 7.20 1,245 2,273 0.90 0.2600
Mercury Hg 13.65 -38.90 -37.70 1.80 0.4930
Molybdenum Mo 10.20 2,620 4,748 36.10 0.3680
Monel (63‑37) -- 8.87 1,300 2,372 3 0.3200
Nickel Ni 8.90 1,452 2,646 25 0.3210
Phosphorus P 1.82 44.10 111.40 10-17 0.0657
Platinum Pt 21.46 1,773 3,221 17.50 0.7750
Potassium K 0.86 62.30 144.10 28 0.0310
Selenium Se 4.81 220 428 14.40 0.1740
Silicon Si 2.40 1,420 2,588 10-5 0.0866
Silver Ag 10.50 960 1,760 106 0.3790
Steel (Carbon) -- 7.84 1,330-1,380 2,436-2,516 10 0.2830
Stainless (18‑8) -- 7.92 1,500 2,732 2.50 0.2860
Stainless (13‑Cr) -- 7.78 1,520 2,768 3.50 0.2810
Stainless (18‑Cr) -- 7.73 1,500 2,732 3 0.2790
Tantalum Ta 16.60 2,900 5,414 13.90 0.5990
Tellurium Te 6.20 450 846 10-5 0.2240
Thorium Th 11.70 1,845 3,353 9.10 0.4420
Tin Sn 7.30 232 449 15 0.2640
Titanium Ti 4.50 1,800 3,272 2.10 0.1620
Tungsten W 19.30 3,422 6,192 31.50 0.6970
Uranium U 18.70 1,130 2,066 2.80 0.6750
Vanadium V 5.96 1,710 3,110 6.63 0.2150
Zinc Zn 7.14 419 786 29.10 0.2580
Zirconium Zr 6.40 1,700 3,092 4.20 0.2310

How is the Chemical Element Symbol or Metal Abbreviation Determined?

Chemical element symbols or abbreviations for metals are typically one or two letters from the element's Latin name or a shortened English version of the name of the metal.

  • Sb for Antimony (from the Latin word Stibium)
  • Au for Gold (from the Latin word Aurum)
  • Cu for Copper (from the Latin word Cuprum)
  • Fe for Iron (from the Latin word Ferrum)
  • Pb for Lead (from the Latin word Plumbum)
  • Hg for Mercury (from the Latin word Hydrargyrum, which means "silver water")
  • K for Potassium (from Kalium, Arabic for "plant ashes")
  • Ag for Silver (from the Latin word Argentum, which means "shiny, white")
  • Sn for Tin (from the Latin word Stannum)
  • W for Tungsten (from the German word Wolfram)

What is Specific Gravity?

Specific gravity, also known as relative density, is a way to compare the density of a metal to the density of water at 4°C. A specific gravity greater than 1 indicates the metal is denser than water at 4°C, while a value less than 1 means it's less dense.

What is the Melting Point of a Metal?

The melting point of a metal is the temperature at which it transitions from a solid state to a liquid state.

What is an IACS Rating?

The International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS) rating is the percentage of conductivity of a metal or alloy relative to copper.

What is the Density of a Metal?

The density of a metal refers to its mass per unit volume. In simpler terms, it tells you how heavy a specific amount of that metal is compared to its size. The higher the density, the heavier the metal will be for its size.

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